I had a quick ultrasound and blood work done today at the clinic. I was a little disappointed to her say that I am off to a "slow start" as she suspected I would be. I sure hope everything is going okay. The doctor was in a bit of a hurry as she had to go do a transfer for someone after my visit. She said she saw a few small follicles growing, on my chart she said there were 3 to 4 on the left and 3 to 4 on the right. However, it is still early, so we'll know much more on Thursday's visit. But those words do worry me. . .
So far the migraines have been horrible, and the only thing I can take is Tylenol. I'm looking forward to going back to work tomorrow in hopes it will take my mind off of things.
For now, we just hope they keep growing and more appear so that my entire cycle doesn't get cancelled. We'll know more on Thursday!
Ugh...so sorry to hear you're disappointed with the scan results, but 3-4 on each side sounds pretty good to me. Remember, it's all about quality, not quantity. Hoping for great news on Thursday!